Updates every Thursday!

Thursday, May 16, 2013


Dear Ten Minute Game Review Readers,

I apologize for the lack of a review last week and the lack of a review this week. I also apologize in advance for the lack of reviews for next week and the week after that. I have been rather busy with a variety of other things in my life (such as moving and vacation) so I will try to get back to reviewing as soon as possible, but at present that looks to be June 6th. If I get the chance I will post something earlier, but that will depend on timing.

Until then, check out this game and tell me what you think about it. I didn't time the proper ten minutes for it, but that's because I died on the first turn, because apparently I suck. And this game seems to like to reiterate that fact to me every time I attempt it. My understanding is that it is beatable and that it is, in fact very easy, but apparently those are people who have been stranded on an alien planet for 40 days in real life and therefore have that experience to draw upon.

Eat the dog,



1 comment:

  1. I tried again and made it 28 days before wild animals ravaged my camp. I had no bullets to defend against them. This game is surprisingly intense.
